The Devil’s Rage Before His Defeat

Update: My response to the document from the Korean Bishops’ committee can be found here. Please download & share!

 “…the devil has come down to you in great wrath, because he knows that his time is short!” (Revelation 12:12)

The nearer the time draws to Satan’s demise, the more ferocious and desperate he becomes.

Unlike men who, even if they are Christians, ever vacillate in their belief in God’s promises, the Devil is in no way tempted to doubt that what God has said will happen… will, in fact, happen.

“Even the demons believe—and tremble.” (James 2:19)

This is why we see his rage increasing in the world in general today. He knows (better than any prophecy reader like myself!) that his time is short. He knows that Christ will soon Triumph. And this is why we are now seeing the demons unleash waves of unprecedented attacks:

  • Attacks against Catholic orthodoxy (from within the walls of the Vatican, no less!); 
  • Attacks against against marriage and the family, as the “LGBT” agenda continues to explode; indoctrinating ever more children and breaking ever more homes;
  • Attacks against life; as euthanasia’s legalization and even normalization spread to new countries – and now France, the “eldest daughter of the Church,” appears poised to be the first country in history to enshrine, in its national constitution, abortion as a “right.”
  • Attacks against peace; as the imminent breakout of World War 3 appears more likely by the day and new forms of dystopian totalitarianism emerge.
  • And, as the backdrop of all this, we hear the strengthening and quickening drumbeat like that of an approaching army in the ET Deception preparing to soon deliver none other than the Strong Delusion of the Antichrist, as foretold by Scripture

The Devil is aware that the triumph of Jesus’ revelations to the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta will coincide with the fulfillment of the Our Father Prayer and the end of his own diabolical reign on earth, which is why he has done battle against them from the onset. But very recently, these revelations have been exploding throughout the world as never before. This has infuriated the Devil more than anything else could

Therefore, we should not be surprised that perhaps the biggest attack against Luisa’s revelations ever is now being unleashed. Yesterday, La Croix International published a report claiming that “Luisa’s Cause of Beatification is Suspended”. And there have been some other recent developments as well.

What is one to make of this? What is the proper response?

You will find that addressed here in a video I just uploaded to YouTube. (Also embedded below.) Please share this widely. It is my hope that all who might have been or soon be exposed to this “news” story from La Croix will also be sent this video!

My other recent uploads to YouTube: