Fighting the Pagan Onslaughts

Announcements on the release date of my book (Only Man Bears His Image), the ET Deception, the Month of October, and more.

(Image: One of the draft run/ proof copies of my upcoming book, Only Man Bears His Image—don’t worry, it won’t have the ugly “Not for Resale” band on it when it is published!)

Update: The book is now available! It can be purchased here:

Dear Friends,

I apologize for the long delay in posting! I have, as I am sure you guessed, been devoting all of my free time to finalizing the book. Thanks be to God, it is now done! I know I have long announced it would be released by September. But as I am about to embark upon some travels to speak at an international conference, I don’t want to release the book while I’m out of the country, lest this make me unable to address any pressing issues that might arise while I’m out of reach. 

So please accept my apologies, but the actual release will be just slightly delayed beyond what I had announced. The book will be published on the Feast of Our Lady of Victory (AKA Our Lady of the Rosary)—October 7th. 

I will put up another post here (which will also go out as an email to subscribers) with a link to it once it becomes available. Although it will indeed be published that day, sometimes it isn’t possible to actually purchase it until later that same day or even the next day. Stay tuned!

I can think of no better Feast Day on which to publish the book, either. I pray that as Our Lady’s intercession, on that very day 452 years ago, prevented the infiltration of Pagan (Muslim) invaders from conquering Europe, so too her intercession will today prevent the onslaught of the pagan, Antichristic Extraterrestrial Deception from further infiltrating the Church. And I pray that my book will also help in that task, despite the unworthiness of its author. 

While that victory at Lepanto (which this Feast Day celebrates) was indeed Our Lady’s, it was not won without the zealous efforts of heroic Christian soldiers. Today, too, we must not be quietists (that is, heretically apathetic) in light of diabolical onslaughts against Scripture and Sacred Tradition, pretending that our only job is to uncritically accept whatever some man wearing a red hat in the Vatican says. No, our job is to fight for the truth; to fight for the True Magisterium; no matter how lofty a man dares to contradict it (for everyone–including such men–will stand before the Judgment Seat of Jesus Christ). Just as the Battle of Lepanto had its Don Juan (no, not the fictional womanizer–the REAL Don Juan of Austria; hero of Lepanto), we need an army of soldiers for Christ today on fire for His absolute supremacy, crying out with all their hearts–drowning out the demonic, pagan babble that surrounds them–LONG LIVE CHRIST THE KING!! 

I know you have all been hearing many claims from supposedly “orthodox Catholic” voices—and are now hearing many more—that aliens are now walking among us, and that this is fine and dandy with the Faith. (Perhaps reiterating the lie that Padre Pio or John Paul II endorsed aliens—they did NOT—and this book also contains a deep dive into exposing those false claims.) I have long pointed out that this will happen. In fact, nothing could be further from the truth than their assertions, and I assure you that this book does indeed fully refute each and every one of the arguments of the Catholic alien promoters. In fact, there are no aliens. We can conclude this, with certainty, from Scripture, Magisterium, Sacred Tradition, and even science. There are, however, many demonic illusions presenting themselves as aliens, UFOs, etc.

If indeed the Alien/UFO Deception is part and parcel to The Great Deception itself (and I believe this book will convince you that it is), then it could be no other way. That Great Deception will, we know, deceive many of “the elect.” But “the elect” does not refer to nominal Catholics; it refers to full-blown Catholics—”orthodox” and (seemingly) holy pewsitters, theologians, priests, Bishops, authors, apologists, etc. Many of them will succumb. This is prophesied in both Public and private revelation, so do not be surprised when precisely that happens. Most importantly, do not let yourself be tempted to likewise succumb merely because others whom you (and I!) have made the mistake of trusting and promoting in the past themselves succumb. I know what you’re thinking now: “But what about _____?” And I assure you that, no matter what goes in that ____ for you, this book will address it.

As you will see in Part Four of the book, a number of Catholic priest/ theologian/ exorcist/ authentic-private-revelation-promoters have already, in recent decades, succumbed to preaching blatant doctrines of demons as they have dropped, like flies, in capitulation to the ET/UFO Deception (always, of course, laced with assurances that this is NOT what they are doing; as they all shout “the Devil isn’t behind every rock! Don’t be a fundamentalist! I know what I’m talking about! Look at how learned I am!”) That same trend will continue, so do not be shocked when it does. Stay the course. Jesus will never fail you—and He infallibly speaks through Scripture, Sacred Tradition, and Magisterium. But men you thought you could trust will indeed fail you.

It was precisely because I anticipated what is now transpiring before our eyes that I warned, over two years ago:

and that I warned, last year:

So do not believe what a man says on account of his own credentials and degrees supposedly justifying the orthodoxy or validity of the claim (or on account of his demeaning the “inferior” credentials of others who say the opposite). Certainly, do not believe anything I say merely because I say it. I am a nothing and a no one. A knucklehead. A miserable and unworthy sinner. Instead, believe what I say only if I have presented an argument for it that demonstrates it is true.

I have called this post “Fighting the Pagan Onslaughts.” Unfortunately, the ET Deception is not the only pagan onslaught now seeking to infiltrate the Church.

We are now about to enter the Vatican phase of the “Synod of Synodality.” I have already commented extensively on that, so I will not do so again at length here, other than to note that it is showing every sign of precipitating the Great Apostasy itself. It will begin on October 4th (next Wednesday), and proceed for one year to its culmination in October 2024. Prophecy aside, this is sure to be an extraordinary year for what matters most in this world: the Faith.

And this is not to mention all the Signs of the Times in the world suggesting an imminent apocalyptic convergence: Central Bank Digital Currencies (heralding the Mark of the Beast), World War III continuing to appear likely, the elite brewing the next assault on our freedom (perhaps Zero Carbon Tyranny or some “woke” agenda), financial and economic collapse appearing certain, Islam infiltrating Europe, and on the list goes. (And, of course, the ET Deception promises to soon serve as the Synthesis of All Apostasies, heralding none other than the Antichrist himself.) 

The status quo cannot and will not hold for long. 

I know that some are quite worried about next month due to messages given by a few alleged seers. Personally, I have not had time to engage in a sufficiently rigorous discernment of these seers to arrive at a great degree of confidence in their authenticity. So I file this all in my “worthy of consideration” category. Let us indeed be spiritually prepared, in case October does indeed wind up being a major turning point in the Purification. Repent of your sins! Get to confession! Strive to Live in the Divine Will as never before! Pray, pray, pray! 

But let us also not assume anything. I certainly am not doing this. If Heaven really wanted all the devout to go about canceling all their plans for some given month, it would have no trouble making that call superabundantly clear. As far as I can tell, it has not done so. Not even the most recent Medjugorje message gave any indication of that (though it did warn against “Modernism wanting to enter”—a clear warning to be on guard against heresies coming from the Vatican during this Synod. Beware, therefore, anyone who says you can trust something merely because it comes out of the Vatican. We can indeed trust the True Magisterium–e.g., formal acts of Papal Magisterium such as Encyclicals, Ecumenical Councils, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, etc. But we cannot necessarily trust the opinions of Bishops and Cardinals working in the Vatican–or even Popes. At this point it should be obvious to anyone with a brain that Pope Francis has voiced a number of deeply erroneous personal opinions; whoever would defend everything he says has only thereby revealed himself as a deceiver.)

I won’t even be in the country when October rolls around! And I have plenty of other travel plans (which I am not canceling) post-October. So, obviously, I am not sitting in my room cowering in fear of October, and I’d encourage everyone to likewise reject any temptation they may feel to do so. Buy a few 50 pound bags of white rice, etc.? Sure. That’s just prudence. But above all, let the brewing of the coming storm only inspire you to engage more zealously in the mission than ever before. The darker things get, the more boldly we must proclaim. Let me conclude by quoting what Jesus said to the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta on that very point:

 Courage, My daughter-courage is of souls resolute to do good.  They are imperturbable under any storm; and while they hear the roaring of the thunders and lightnings to the point of trembling, and remain under the pouring rain that pours over them, they use the water to be washed and come out more beautiful; and heedless of the storm, they are more than ever resolute and courageous in not moving from the good they have started.  Discouragement is of irresolute souls, who never arrive at accomplishing a good.  Courage sets the way; courage puts to flight any storm; courage is the bread of the strong; courage is the warlike one that knows how to win any battle.  Therefore, good daughter, courage; do not fear. (April 16, 1931)

PS: My upcoming conferences:

(And I’m assuming that registration for this one–below–is closed, but if you’re nearby and want to come, you could always reach out to the organizers to see if a last-minute registration might just be possible!)