My Engagement to Regina

Dear Friends,

With great joy, I would like to announce my engagement to Regina Marie Elizabeth Rose Wagner. She and I will be joined in Holy Matrimony this upcoming summer on July 13th!

Although I could go on for many pages expounding upon the joy, the inspiration, the contentment, the peace, and the spiritual growth I have been blessed with, by my relationship with her and the anticipation of my marriage to her, I will restrain myself and reserve this particular post to just giving a general idea of our relationship.

I had been striving with great effort, but not with great success, to discern God’s call in my life for years before meeting Regina, and she too was in a position of uncertainty and confusion as to what she was supposed to do next in her life. The time was August 2011, and it was in this setting that we both decided (before even knowing about each other), a mere few weeks before the beginning of the semester, that we would enroll in Holy Apostles College & Seminary right away. I did so having been given a clear sign from God (during a cross country voyage) that I was supposed to do that, and Regina did so also having a clear interior conviction that she was called to enroll, last minute, as a lay student at this same school. Up until this point we both had been quite settled on entirely different plans for the upcoming months and years in our life, but God had a different idea, rearranged our life circumstances to make it work, and made sure that we both followed it.

Now I had entered as a self-funded seminarian (not wanting to experiment on my diocese’ dollar), as the sign I was given made it clear this was what I was supposed to do, despite at that time having no more conviction of a calling from God to the priesthood than I had in the preceding years. Nevertheless, I entered the seminary with a general intention of becoming a priest, but also with a great openness to a different vocational direction if He showed that to me.

Holy Apostles is a college and seminary, so Regina and I had several classes together. Being a seminarian at the time, I of course had to strictly maintain a friendship with her and no more, but through getting to know her, constant prayer to God for guidance (especially after receiving Communion each day), and discerning the call on my heart, it became completely clear to me that I was meant for her. And since we began our courtship (after I had finished my semester as a seminarian), the joy that I have been given through her has been evident to all of my friends who knew me through my discernment process, and they unhesitatingly congratulate me for finding what so clearly is my calling. I now know to thank God for all the struggle I went through in discernment for years, because by it I now rest with such peace in the anticipation of my vocation: to soon be sacramentally united to her, as one flesh before God. In that peace all of the fears and anxieties that once assailed me regarding my calling, simply melt away; as they had begun to even from my first conversation with Regina. There is so much more I want to say about Regina; how I felt so clearly drawn to everything about her, but I will have to save any more for another time.

We began our courtship on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception: December 8th, 2011. The year of courtship that followed was truly blessed, and through it we both grew so much closer to God and to each other. Prayer served as our foundation and our strength. The daily reception of Jesus in the Eucharist was the source and summit of this prayer life, and whenever possible we would attend Mass together. Along with her Son, Our Lady was at the center of our relationship from the start, and the daily Rosary was our anchor. Spiritual reading directed us, as we always concurrently read three pages of the same spiritual book each day, and St. Faustina’s diary was our greatest joy in this regard. The daily 3 o’clock Divine Mercy Chaplet was indispensable to the formation of our relationship, and our weekly prayers outside the local abortion mill grounded us in love of neighbor. Frequent confession was our remedy for weakness, which we, like all, indeed suffer from.

Through all of this I truly found myself growing closer to God in a way that I had previously been incapable of, and this was yet another confirmation to me that Regina indeed is my vocation. Prayer, fasting, and works of mercy come more readily and easily thanks to my relationship with her, and I had a new-found desire and strength to rid my life of vices to which I had previously adopted a far too complacent attitude.
I would like to share the following prayer, which I wrote for both Regina and me to pray each day, towards the beginning of our courtship.

Mother most Pure, to whose fiat “behold the handmaid of the Lord, be it done unto me according to Thy word,” humanity owes its salvation, I beseech thee to present my petition to thy Divine Son Jesus; that we may always properly see and treat each other as children of God to be loved and served, and never as objects to be used for pleasure; that we may love each other with a perfect, pure, and disinterested love. Please send thy Divine Spouse, the Holy Spirit, upon
us, that we may rightly discern the will of thy Son, and incline our hearts unto it so that, whatever it may be, we shall follow it with joy. Help us to be in love with thy Son first and above all, knowing that any good thing we see in each other is a mere diminished reflection of the glory of Him who created us both, and that the love we hold for each other is nothing but a small flame next to the consuming fire of love coming forth from His most Sacred Heart, this love that he passionately holds for each of us so far exceeding any passionate love we feel for each other.

Immaculate Mother of Mercy, we place all of these petitions in thy hands with complete trust and confidence.

*Reading…* (our spiritual reading for the day)

On December 8th, 2012, Regina and I were engaged to be married. I proposed to Regina in the Our Lady Queen of Apostles Chapel at school, and immediately afterwards we completed our 33 day consecration to Our Lady, and did a Holy Hour before the Blessed Sacrament, laying our engagement and our lives at the feet of Mary, and Jesus in the Eucharist. Feel free to watch the YouTube video below, where Regina gives more details on the proposal itself!

I would also like to share this consecration prayer which I wrote for Regina and me to pray together on our knees before the statue of Our Lady, immediately following our engagement. I desired to, as the first act of our engagement, give it all to Mary:

     Dear Mother Mary, the Immaculate Conception, we kneel before you today and lay at your feet, as the first act of our engagement, our selves, our relationship, our betrothal, and our future marriage. All of our trust is in you and in your Son, Jesus. We earnestly give all that we have and all that we are to you, and with absolute confidence in the Mercy of your Son, we humbly beseech you to do as you will with this offering, whatever that may entail.
We lay our engagement on your altar and beg of you to use it for your own intentions; the salvation of souls, the deliverance of the holy souls in Purgatory, peace in the world, the consolation of the Two Hearts of Love, and the hastening of the Triumph of Your Immaculate Heart.
O Immaculate Mary, Mother of Mercy, free from any stain of sin, grant that we too may be without sin, especially at the hour of our death. Our only fear is that we may fail to flee to your protection, for we wish to be nothing but your devoted children.
Mary, we love you. Take us as your own.

Happy 22nd birthday, Regina. I love you with all of my heart!

13 thoughts on “My Engagement to Regina”

  1. I am so happy to hear this exciting news. Thanks be to God! Congratulations to you and Regina. May God bestow many blessings upon your engagement and marriage.

  2. Congratulations to you and Regina!!! May many blessings be bestowed upon your union.
    My story is similar! I have been engaged since Sep 2012 and my fiancee and I are preparing for the sacrament of marriage which we have been praying will be on May 13th, (the feast of Our Lady of Fatima). I’m 21 and my fiancee is 28, we met through the organization called America Needs Fatima in the summer of 2011. I am currently from VA and he’s from FL, but Our Lady brought us together as volunteers. Their office is located in KS, so we both flew out not knowing what to expect. Mark (my fiancee) was scheduled to come in July and I was supposed to come for a month but changed to 2 weeks instead. Someone at the office changed Mark’s scheduled time to Aug; the time I was scheduled for. When Mark and I first met I arrived in the company’s van along with other volunteers, and Mark helped everyone with their luggage.
    By and by Mark and I started talking and became good friends. Mark struck a cord with me when he told me he enjoyed the book: Pride and Prejudice. Taken aback, I never in a million years could imagine someone like Mark enjoying such a book as that. lol
    As time went on we both secretly were sorry to be parting ways. Before I left, Mark thinking he would never see me again rushed to give me a Hail Mary pocket coin.
    I sent a friend request on facebook to Mark. Oct. came and Mark accepted the friend request. I thought I knew Mark liked me but wondered why he didn’t indicate such while we were in KS earlier. According to his facebook, Mark was in a relationship. I need wonder no more.
    Later on towards the end of the year Mark contemplated becoming a Franciscan Friar and I decided to look elsewhere for love.
    A month later I sent Mark messages on facebook and Mark, suppressing his excitement replied to every one.
    In Jan. I decided to send Mark a pocket coin of Mary, to express my appreciation towards his gesture of giving me one.
    Mark had been praying to Our Lady to help discern his vocation when my coin arrived in the mail. Mark considered this a sign and decided to take the first step and admit to me that he had feelings stronger than friendship towards me.
    He told me in a way that wouldn’t be terribly obvious and I responded similar; both fearing rejection. I told Mark I was sorry because he was attached to someone else. Mark revealed to me that his heart was not attached. His relationship had been hurtful to his spirit and he preferred someone of my characteristics and spiritual disposition. I was overjoyed.
    Mark and I continued correspondence through messages on facebook. We went a step further and began calling by telephone. lol
    Mark thought we talked so often, he suggested it was as if we were in a long distance relationship. We both, not knowing when we would be close to each other consented to being in a long distance relationship.
    We would pray over the telephone. We did The Sacred Heart Novena, St. Joseph’s Novena and other devotions daily together asking God for blessings upon our relationship. We even did the 33 day Total Consecration to Mary by St. Louise Marie Demountfort. We ended our consecration last year on May 13th in honor of Our Lady of Fatima, since we both consider Her our patroness in bringing us to one another. Which is when we hope to get married as well! We say the Angelus whenever we’re together at the appropriate times as well as the chaplet of Divine Mercy at the 3 O’clock hour. And of course the daily rosary. For Lent, we both gave up meat and say the Stations of the Cross according to St. Alphonsus Liggiuori daily.(I didn’t spell it right, oops,lol.) Mark even bought for himself and I a St. Philomena purity cord, which has a daily prayer for purity of mind and body and our local priest invested us.
    When I heard your story I couldn’t help but be touched by the similarities, and I hope you don’t mind me sharing this with you and Regina. Congratulations again a thousand times over!! I understand your joy very much. God bless you both and pray for us as well, please.

    In Jesus and Mary,

  3. Daniel, this is a Jewish answer to what you write :
    I always believed that marriage was made in heaven; that God in His divine Wisdom, who knows all things, brings a couple together …….
    “According to a well-known midrash, after God created the universe in six days, He has been arranging marriages ever since; and according to the Talmud, 40 days before a male child is conceived a voice from heaven announces whose daughter he is to marry (in Yiddish, such a “heavenly match” is called “bashert,” a word meaning “destiny”). The steps leading up to a marriage proposal are sometimes called a shidduch and, in former days, were arranged by the shadkhan, or matchmaker.”
    Rita Biesemans
    July 13th the Birthday of my youngest grandchild. Our Lady of Fatima will be at your sides that day and will cover you with her Motherly Mantle.

    1. Beautiful, Rita. Thank you! Our Lady of Fatima, and Rosa Mystica both! I have no doubt that God brings couples together, and I know that he indeed brought me and Regina together. My prayers to you and your granddaughter!

  4. Congratulations Dan – My youngest daughter is Regina (15) She has a bone marrow disorder (aplastic anemia) so prayers from your Reginja are appreciated!! These queens named after the Queen of Heaven are the best – so glad you found one.

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